LSRPA Foundation Annual Report - 2023

While the LSRPA’s members help to correct the past by removing decades of environmental problems throughout New Jersey’s communities, the LSRPA Foundation is seeding investments in tomorrow.

Students are the primary focus of the Licensed Site Remediation Professionals Association Foundation and still the spotlight of its charitable giving. In 2022, the LSRPA Foundation, a charitable corporation created by the LSRPA, expanded to achieve a long-time goal. Collaborating with environmental groups, the Foundation now provides grants to return remediated areas to their communities as beautiful spaces for all to enjoy.

 “The Foundation allows us to make a difference in our community,” said Candace Baker, President of the Foundation for 2023. “When the Foundation issues grants, we get to put our money behind projects of our choosing that will benefit the community.”

With the combination of grants and scholarships, the LSRPA Foundation expects to nearly quadruple its investment in communities and education in 2023 compared to 2016, when the Foundation only awarded scholarships.


Since the LSPRA Foundation was formed in 2016, more than 50 scholarships have been awarded to encourage students to pursue careers in the environmental field in the State of New Jersey.

Each year, the Foundation works closely with the Student Outreach Committee of the LSRPA to choose the scholarship recipients. The Student Outreach Committee reviews the scholarship applications and provides a slate of scholarship recipients to the LSRPA Foundation Board of Trustees for approval.

In 2023, there are two opportunities for scholarships and applications will be accepted later this year.

Elmeryl Davies Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to undergraduate juniors, seniors or graduate students in an accredited science or engineering program, the scholarship encourages students to pursue careers in the environmental field and to provide students with opportunities to connect with LSRPA members to obtain internships and full-time jobs upon graduation.  

In 2022, nine full-time students – six undergraduates and three doctoral candidates - were each awarded $3,000.

The scholarship was named for the late wife of Julian Davies, a long-time member of the LSRPA. Elmeryl Davies, born in Sierra Leone, studied in Scotland and received her master’s degree in chemistry before becoming a teacher.

Suzanne Macaoay Memorial Scholarship

In 2023, the LSRPA Foundation will expand its scholarships to include students at community colleges or other environmental-focused trade or technical programs in New Jersey.

The new scholarship was named for Suzanne “Suzy” Macaoay, an active LSRPA member, geologist and the late wife of former LSRPA President Rodger Ferguson.


In Fall 2022, the LSRPA Foundation expanded its scope to support deserving environmental improvement programs – a long-term goal. Working in cooperation with environmental organizations, the Foundation supported four projects that take remediated properties and return them to their communities for public use.

The Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC), which represents hundreds of environmental commissions throughout the State of New Jersey, joined with the LSRPA Foundation to fund projects in Glen Ridge, Lambertville and Teaneck that are expected to be completed in 2023. The Foundation also is funding a project in Trenton through the New Jersey Conservation Foundation, one of the largest land trusts in New Jersey.

Here are summaries of the four projects.

A Demonstration Garden in Glen Ridge

The Glen Ridge Environmental Advisory Committee is building a demonstration garden on a half-acre lot that was the site of a former train station. On the site, the Foundation is funding creation of a pollinator area that will run the length of the adjacent parking lot. This area will create a critical link in the emerging Glen Ridge Pollinator Pathway, which is part of a larger regional undertaking to create a corridor of properties - private residences and public spaces - that provide safe habitat for birds, bees, butterflies, and other insects.

A Rain Garden in Lambertville

The Lambertville Environmental Commission is rehabilitating a fenced rain garden on the west side of Cavallo Park, which was remediated due to high concentrations of lead and beryllium in the soils. The project is adding a variety of deep-rooted native plants that will thrive in this environment and allow the soil to absorb and filter stormwater, while providing habitat for wildlife.

A Reading Garden in Teaneck

The Garden Club of Teaneck, housed on land previously used as a sewage treatment plant, is converting a weed-filled section of land into a “reading garden” with a “Little Public Library” that will house garden and nature reading materials; signs with information about native plant species, pollinators and what people can do locally to support the environment; and interactive storyboards that encourage children to read and learn about the natural world around them.

Mulberry Street in Trenton

The Foundation helped to fund the rehabilitation of a parcel on Mulberry Street in Trenton that FEMA purchased for flood mitigation. The New Jersey Conservation Foundation worked with the New Jersey Tree Foundation and the City of Trenton to create a forest buffer along Assunpink Creek with 32 serviceberry, winter king, October glory maple, and river birch trees of various diameters. In addition to mitigating flooding in the neighborhood, these trees will provide a habitat for wildlife and shade and beauty for the residents. 

Ways to Give

You can support the Foundation’s mission by providing a one-time or monthly contribution. All contributions are tax-deductible.

The LSRPA Foundation also is supported through the fundraising events of the LSRPA.

Golf Outing

The 7th Annual Golf Networking and Fundraising event was held in October 2022, at the Mercer Oaks Golf Club in West Windsor, NJ. Since the first event, the golf outing has raised more than $200,000 to benefit the scholarship funds of the LSRPA Foundation and the Society of Women Environmental Professionals New Jersey Chapter. The 2022 event raised more than $45,000 thanks to our 228 guests and 49 sponsors. Registration opens soon for our 8th annual event at Mercer Oaks on October 5, 2023. 

Cornhole Tournament

Starting in 2021, LSRPA has held a summer cornhole fundraiser to raise money for the Foundation. At the first tournament, more than 120 LSRPA members and competitors faced the challenge of tossing a bag made of two 6.25-inch squares of fabric filled with two cups of corn feed into a six-inch hole cut into a two-foot by four-foot board. The player who tosses the most bags through the hole is the winner. Simple and yet difficult.

The 2nd Annual Battle at the Beach Cornhole Tournament was held in August 2022 and was even more successful with 155 registered players and a multitude of sponsors. The event raised more than $14,000 for the LSRPA Foundation. The real reward was the great crowd and smiling faces. Registration opens soon for the 3rd Annual Battle at the Beach, which will be held again at Martell's Tiki Bar on August 15, 2023.

Battle of the Bands

In April 2023, the LSRPA, Brownfields Coalition of the Northeast, and the Society of Women Environmental Professionals New Jersey Chapter held its inaugural Battle of the Bands fundraiser. Nearly 300 registered guests roared their overwhelming support for eight outstanding bands - all featuring performers from New Jersey’s environmental industry. With thanks to our generous sponsors and guests, more than $20,000 was raised for the three scholarship funds.


The Foundation is entirely supported by direct contributions and income from LSRPA fundraising events.

Where Funding Comes From…

Where It Is Planned to Go… 

Who We Are

Founded in 2016, the Licensed Site Remediation Professionals Association Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)3 charitable organization devoted to improving the environment and furthering the goals of the LSRP profession.

2023 LSRPA Foundation Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of the Foundation are composed of a President, Secretary and Treasurer, along with at-large members of the Licensed Site Remediation Professionals Association (LSRPA). The President of the Board of Trustees is the Vice President for Internal Affairs of the LSRPA and the Treasurer is the same for the Foundation and the LSRPA. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is the chair of the LSRPA College Outreach Committee, as appointed by the President of the LSRPA.

  • Rebecc Hollender, President
  • Michael Poland, Treasurer
  • Craig McCarrick, Secretary
  • Ben Alter, At-Large Trustee
  • Ken Goldstein, At-Large Trustee
  • Joe Postorino, At-Large Trustee
  • Sue Boyle, At-Large Trustee added in 2023.

The LSRPA Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization (a 501(c)3 charitable organization) under federal IRS regulations. The Foundation's By-Laws can be accessed here.