2025 NJ Site Remediation Conference Instructors

David F. Alden, M.Sc., PE (NC), Tersus Environmental

Instructor for: In Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Ethenes: Performance Monitoring with CSIA and Contaminant Mass Flux Analysis

David Alden is the Manager of Technical Services at Tersus Environmental, a company specializing in chemicals for in situ remediation. David’s diverse background includes four years in the upstream oilfield sector, where he contributed to offshore well tests and well completions in the Gulf of Mexico. David has developed innovative technologies for restoring groundwater and soil at challenging sites, holding three patents on reductive bioremediation and in situ chemical reduction. He also contributed to the ITRC’s guidance document on Remediation Management of Complex Sites (RMCS). David manages Tersus Environmental’s Performance Monitoring Program, incorporating Molecular Biology Tools (MBT), Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) and Contaminant Mass Flux Analysis. His commitment to advancing industry practices is evident through his application of cutting-edge techniques to assess environmental contaminants. Beyond his professional achievements, David is actively involved in community initiatives focused on environmental awareness and sustainability. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from Universidad de las Américas-Puebla, Mexico, and a master’s degree from Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble, France.


Alan R. Arico, LSRP, Langan

Instructor for:  Running Out of Time: Remedial Timeframes and NJDEP Enforcement

Mr. Arico has over 18 years of environmental consulting and remediation experience and is a New Jersey-Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP). Mr. Arico has extensive experience with efficiently managing complex remediation projects for a wide range of clients. Mr. Arico has extensive experience integrating site remediation activities with construction activities to support redevelopment projects. His diversified environmental experience has included management of environmental investigation programs for soil, ground water, sediment, and soil vapors, and design and management of remedial actions for contaminated sites. Mr. Arico has designed and implemented remedial actions for contaminated media, including bioremediation, In-Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO), source removal, and vapor intrusion mitigation systems.

Caryn L Barnes, LSRP, Langan

Instructor for: Impacts of PFAS Litigations

Ms. Barnes has 30 years of experience in all aspects of environmental investigations, feasibility testing, NAPL, soil and groundwater remediation, soil vapor investigations and site closure. Caryn has worked extensively in New Jersey, on both New Jersey and USEPA-led projects. Her extensive knowledge of the regulations, coupled with her strong technical skills, enables her to be an effective client advocate, determining and implementing cost-effective environmental remedies that are protective of human health and the environment.  Caryn is the Project Coordinator for a multiple-party Superfund site in New Jersey, and is addressing issues associated with emerging contaminants, including 1,4-dioxane and Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). Ms. Barnes has worked with Fortune 500 Companies developing environmental portfolios of greater than 100 projects, managing regulatory, technical, and financial responsibilities. Caryn holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Resources and Aquatic Systems from Leigh University.

Zachary L. Berliner, Esq., Lowenstein Sandler

Instructor for: The Intersection of Ecological Risk, Remediation and Sustainability in NJ

Zachary Berliner applies his broad knowledge of and passion for environmental and sustainability matters to help clients navigate complex environmental challenges. He advises property owners, companies, multi-entity groups, and nonprofits on a wide range of environmental compliance issues, including cleanups and permitting. He also represents clients in litigation and dispute resolution under New Jersey and federal environmental laws, in addition to offering counsel in topical areas such as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) requirements and best practices; environmental justice; carbon markets; and climate- change litigation.

Jordan Bochner, ETEC

Instructor for: Advanced Bioremediation and Dissolved Oxygen Groundwater Recirculation Systems: A Solution for Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminated Sites

Jordan is the Northeast Regional Manager for ETEC. With a robust background in environmental consulting, Jordan brings expertise in site investigations, in-situ treatments, corrective action evaluations, and soil and groundwater remediation projects. He has over 5 years of experience in environmental project management and business development, focusing on multimedia contamination sites across diverse industries. Jordan holds a B.S. in Environmental Geoscience from the University at Buffalo, and actively contributes to advancing the field of environmental bioremediation through his role at ETEC.

Christopher Buzgo, Ph.D., Ramboll

Instructor for: The Intersection of Ecological Risk, Remediation and Sustainability in NJ

Dr. Christopher Buzgo has 25 years of experience in environmental consulting. He is a Senior Managing Consultant in Ramboll’s Site Solutions service line, where he manages a wide range of environmental projects under various federal and state programs, involving site assessment, site remediation, human health and ecological risk assessment, brownfield redevelopment, remedial cost estimation, due diligence and indoor air quality evaluations. He serves as co-leader of the Ramboll vapor intrusion subject matter expert team and has presented nationally on vapor intrusion investigations and mitigation at national professional conferences. Dr. Buzgo earned his Doctorate and Masters in Environmental Sciences and Soil Chemistry from Rutgers University, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Textile Technology from the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Sciences.

Charles Dennen, Esq., Archer & Greiner PC

Instructor for: Impacts of PFAS Litigations

Charlie's practice focuses on all areas of toxic tort and environmental law. He represents clients in all stages of litigation in complex multi-party matters in both federal and state courts. Charlie represents clients in complex environmental matters, as well as civil and administrative litigation, and has advised clients on issues under CERCLA, RCRA, the New Jersey Spill Act, and other federal and state environmental statutes and regulations. In particular, he is experienced in pursuing and defending complex environmental litigation matters, such as claims involving contribution and cost recovery, underground storage tanks, soil and groundwater contamination, diminution in value to property, economic and non-economic damages, cleanup and response costs, Natural Resource Damages, and physical and psychological injuries. Charlie also has experience serving as plaintiff's counsel in toxic tort matters. 

Lawra J. Dodge, P.G., LSRP, Excel Environmental Resources

Instructor for: Ethics for Site Remediation Professionals

Lawra J. Dodge, PG, LSRP is founder and President of Excel Environmental Resources, a full-service environmental consulting and engineering firm located in North Brunswick, NJ. She is a licensed Professional Geologist (PG) and a Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) with 40 years of experience working with municipalities, redevelopment authorities, and non-profit organizations across the State as well as industrial, commercial, and residential property owners, developers, and builders. Since its inception in 2010, Ms. Dodge has served on the NJ Site Remediation Professionals Licensing (SRPL) Board that oversees the Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) Program and chairs the Board’s Continuing Education Committee.

Jeffrey G. Entin, LSRP, Ramboll

Instructor for: The Intersection of Ecological Risk, Remediation and Sustainability in NJ

Jeffrey Entin has over 30 years of experience assessing, managing, and mitigating multimedia hazardous materials for private industry, investors, developers, and government entities.  Mr. Entin’s practice includes directing all phases of site investigation and remediation projects at contaminated sites. His experience includes complex ecological risk assessments, in-situ groundwater remediation, capping and closure, redevelopment of confined dredged material disposal facilities, landfills and brownfields, and linear construction. He provides environmental due diligence, industrial compliance, permitting and sustainability support, and litigation support in brownfield redevelopment, remedial cost and feasibility, contaminant migration and insurance matters.  Mr. Entin has been an LSRP since the program’s inception. He is a regular course instructor for the LSRPA.

Doug Gray, AECOM

Instructor for: Sustained Chemical Oxidation Remedial Options to Efficiently Address VOCs and SVOCs

Mr. Gray has 40 years of project management and engineering experience focusing on the development, design, costing, and optimization of state-of-the-art, innovative remedial alternatives, site assessments, remedial alternative evaluations, remedial investigations, and feasibility studies. Mr. Gray is the Innovative Remedial Technologies Leader for several of AECOM’s key clients and looks to advance innovative technologies geared towards providing more cost-effective remedial solutions and value-added services for the client. Mr. Gray also provides technical remediation-related support to multiple offices and regions throughout AECOM. Mr. Gray holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from The Ohio State University.  

Mark S. Heinzelmann, Esq., Lowenstein Sandler

Instructor for: The Intersection of Ecological Risk, Remediation and Sustainability in NJ

Mark S. Heinzelmann of Lowenstein Sandler’s Environmental Law & Litigation group, counsels business clients on regulatory issues, dispute resolution, and federal and state court litigation. He is well-versed in the current enforcement and regulatory agendas driving the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Prior to joining the firm, Mark served as a Deputy Attorney General for the State of New Jersey’s Department of Law & Public Safety, Division of Law, in the Environmental Enforcement and Cost Recovery section.  There, he worked on many matters involving the Spill Compensation and Control Act, Water Pollution Control Act, Underground Storage Tank Act, Industrial Site Recovery Act, Brownfield and Contaminated Site Remediation Act, and Site Remediation Reform Act. He also advised on the establishment and enforcement of liens, executed enforcement actions, worked extensively on issues involving the New Jersey Spill Compensation Fund and Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund claims programs, advised on the legal impact of new hazardous substance remediation standards.

Antonios (Tony) Karachalios, Ph.D., Tetra Tech

Instructor for: In Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Ethenes: Performance Monitoring with CSIA and Contaminant Mass Flux Analysis

Antonios (Tony) Karachalios is a Project Engineer at Tetra Tech with over 16 years of experience in site investigation and preparation of in-situ remedial designs for complex sites with various contaminants. Through his experience in designing remedial solutions for contaminated sites using remedial treatment technologies, Dr. Karachalios co-authored seven current US patents related to innovative remedial treatment methods. He is also the author of more than a dozen articles published in professional journals and has presented papers in major environmental conferences, federal and state roundtables. He holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, and Master’s and Doctorate degrees in Environmental Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ.


Mark Kauffman, Quantitative Hydro Solutions, Inc.

Instructor for: Hydraulic Conductivity Estimation Overview for Site Characterization and CEA Establishment

Mr. Kauffman is Senior Environmental Scientist and President of Quantitative Hydro Solutions, Inc. (QHS Consulting). He has managed and consulted on a number of projects and has special expertise in hydrogeologic site investigations, analysis and interpretation of complex geospatial data, environmental forensic techniques, and groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling. Mr. Kauffman has applied these techniques to interpret complex site data and provided consulting support for projects including site investigation and remediation, regulatory compliance, and litigation support. Mr. Kauffman has also served as an expert witness on matters involving CERCLA cost recovery and cost allocation. Mark is a graduate of Temple University with a degree in Environmental Studies.

Troy Lizer, PE, Provectus Environmental Products

Instructor for: Sustained Chemical Oxidation Remedial Options to Efficiently Address VOCs and SVOCs

Mr. Troy Lizer is an engineer with over 20 years of technical and professional design and sales experience. Mr. Lizer received Bachelor of Science degrees in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from the University of Akron and began his career as an Application and Design engineer in machining and grinding applications for over a dozen years before transitioning into the environmental and remediation industry as the North American Sales Manager for a chemical manufacturing company. Mr. Lizer focused on technology application and selection through proper implementation to ensure project success. Mr. Lizer would coordinate laboratory services to provide analytical testing and confirmation data on amendment selection and loading to determine the best practice approach as well as economic justification for design criteria. His experience is in oxidative and reductive technologies as well as biological remedies for sites striving to eliminate common contaminants (chlorinated, SVOC, BTEX, etc.) as well as emerging contaminants (1,4-dioxane) both in situ and ex situ. In January 2020, Mr. Lizer assumed the role of Technical Sales Director-North America with Provectus Environmental Products in order to focus on product and process development in the environmental industry with a company and colleagues that are dedicated to the successful application of proven and evolving technologies.


Garth T. Llewellyn, PG, LSRP, Lexicon Environmental, LLC

Instructor for: Hydraulic Conductivity Estimation Overview for Site Characterization and CEA Establishment

Mr. Garth Llewellyn has over 22 years of experience characterizing and remediating soil and groundwater media. His specialty includes a focus on hydrogeologic characterization and remediation of unconsolidated and consolidated environmental systems. Design and implementation of projects have included environmental and hydrogeologic assessments pertaining to NJ-SRP sites; Pennsylvania oil and gas development; aquifer test analysis of fractured rock and porous media; water supply development; fracture trace analysis; numerical groundwater modeling; geographic information systems (GIS) analyses; design and implementation of site/remedial investigation activities and performance evaluations of hydrogeologic remedial systems.  

Anita Locke, LSRP, Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.

Instructor for: Ethics for Site Remediation Professionals

Anita Locke is a Senior Scientist at Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. She has 24 years of experience in consulting including assisting clients with a wide range of environmental investigations, assessments and remediation in New Jersey. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Geology from the University of Delaware. She has performed, managed and directed varied investigation and remediation projects for private and commercial entities including the industrial manufacturing, development, warehousing and petroleum sectors. Starting in 2015, Ms. Locke has served as the LSRP for various sites including ISRA-subject facilities (both entire site and multi-tenant) with long environmental histories and many contaminated areas of concern (AOCs). In this capacity, she has supervised ISRA-subject transactions, soil groundwater, VI and ecological investigations and evaluation of emerging contaminants. Projects have also included remedial strategy development, implementation and complex permitting matters. In addition to serving as an LSRPA Board of Trustees Member, Anita is also Chair of the LSRPA Finance Committee; and serves as the New Jersey Society of Women Environmental Professionals (NJSWEP) Golf Committee Co-Chair.

Kevin Long, Terraphase Engineering Inc.

Instructor for: Solving the PFAS Puzzle: Critical Techniques for Differentiating & Determining Sources of Contamination

Kevin Long has over 20 years of experience with environmental projects. His emphasis is on the application of risk assessment science and risk management strategies to support remedial action and closure of sites. His work has included managing and implementing the investigation, assessment, and remedial action of complex sites, working to control unacceptable human and ecological exposures. This experience includes projects that often require the evaluation of site-specific exposure scenarios not routinely addressed by agencies’ standard scenarios or exposure to complex and emerging chemicals. His work has also involved providing support for conducting communication with the public, regulatory agencies, and other stakeholders. He has served as both a testifying and consulting expert in litigation matters.

Jason Lynam, LSRP, Langan

Instructor for: Running Out of Time: Remedial Timeframes and NJDEP Enforcement

Jason Lynam is a Senior Project Manager and New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) with over 25 years of experience in the environmental consulting industry. Mr. Lynam has a wide range of experience in the investigation, remediation and redevelopment of contaminated sites with a focus on brownfields redevelopment projects for residential and commercial developers, municipalities, and commercial and industrial clients principally in New Jersey. Mr. Lynam’s expertise includes working with multi-disciplined project teams that integrate environmental remediation into land redevelopment projects. Mr. Lynam’s project experience also includes working with industrial clients in New York and North Carolina. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Resource Management and Policy from the University of Delaware.

Judd Mahan, PG, Tetra Tech

Instructor for: Microplastics as Emerging Contaminants of Concern

Mr. Judd Mahan is a licensed geologist in Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina and has been working in the environmental consulting industry for 25 years. He serves on the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) Microplastics and Emerging Contaminants teams. The ITRC Microplastics Outreach Toolkit was published in June 2024 and the Contaminants of Emerging Concern Framework was published in December 2024. Mr. Mahan currently serves as trainer for ITRC Microplastics webinars. 


Daniel Martins, PE (NJ), LSRP, NewFields

Instructor for: In Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Ethenes: Performance Monitoring with CSIA and Contaminant Mass Flux Analysis

Daniel Martins is a Licensed Professional Engineer and LSRP working for NewFields. Daniel has over 10 years of experience in site investigation, remediation design, implementation of remedial programs and construction oversight, as well as operation and maintenance services. Daniel holds a Bachelors in Civil Engineering and a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology.


Dan Milleman, Ph.D., NJDEP

Instructor for: Microplastics as Emerging Contaminants of Concern

Dr. Millemann is a research scientist at the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.  His primary focus as a researcher is to understand which anthropogenic stressors are most significantly impacting our environment and how best to mitigate or reverse those impacts. He spent time in academia pursuing degrees in biology and environmental science. As a Research Scientist at NJDEP, Dr. Milleman is working on development of aquatic life criteria, bioaccumulation and biomagnification of contaminants, applied and field ecotoxicology, and managing associated projects for the state of New Jersey. He has multiple degrees and PhD in Environmental Sciences from Rutgers University.

David J. Miller, Esq.

Instructor for: Running Out of Time: Remedial Timeframes and NJDEP Enforcement

Dave is a shareholder in the Environmental Department at Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, P.C. headquartered in Red Bank. He has experience in the private and public sectors and focuses his practice on environmental regulatory, real estate, and corporate transactional matters. He counsels clients on site remediation, due diligence, participation in potentially responsible party groups, and interaction with the Environmental Protection Agency on Superfund matters. Dave also advises clients on the procurement of environmental permits from state and federal agencies for major commercial and industrial development. In addition, Dave litigates environmental compliance matters, especially those involving hazardous substances.

Wanda Chin Monahan, Esq., Law Offices of Wanda Chin Monahan, LLC

Instructor for: Ethics for Site Remediation Professionals

Wanda Chin Monahan is the Owner and Managing Member of the Law Offices of Wanda Chin Monahan, LLC, established in 2016, whose practice is focused on environmental law and brownfields redevelopment representing both private and public clients, including developers, buyers and sellers of commercial and industrial properties, municipalities, counties and redevelopment authorities. Ms. Monahan has extensive experience in matters involving site remediation and redevelopment, environmental risk management in real estate transactions, environmental liability, enforcement, regulatory compliance, cost recovery, natural resource damages, environmental insurance, solid waste, permitting, insurance coverage, preparation of grant applications and military base remediation and reuse. She also has extensive litigation experience in state, federal and administrative proceedings in matters involving the Spill Compensation and Control Act, Brownfields and Contaminated Site Remediation Act, Industrial Site Recovery Act, Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Act, Underground Storage Tank Act, Water Pollution Control Act and the Local Redevelopment and Housing Act. 

Will Moody, Provectus Environmental Products

Instructor for: Sustained Chemical Oxidation Remedial Options to Efficiently Address VOCs and SVOCs

Will is an environmental scientist with over 20 years of professional experience focusing primarily on in situ remediation technologies to address soil and groundwater contamination. He began his professional career as an environmental consultant, which was followed by 10 years of in situ remedial design and field implementation at an international remediation firm. Will’s laboratory and field project experience includes the application of a wide range of in situ solutions including chemical oxidants, chemical reductants, biological amendments, and surfactants to address common (e.g., BTEX, chlorinated VOCs, etc.) and emerging contaminants (e.g., 1,4-dioxane and Freon). His experience includes the utilization of zero valent iron, hydrogen peroxide, sodium/potassium persulfate, sodium/potassium permanganate, and other site-specific reagents in overburden and bedrock systems. Will has been involved with over 100 in situ remediation projects in the US, Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia.   

Kevin Moore, ETEC

Instructor for: Advanced Bioremediation and Dissolved Oxygen Groundwater Recirculation Systems: A Solution for Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminated Sites

Kevin is the National Sales Director and Bioremediation Expert with ETEC. With almost 20 years of professional experience in the environmental industry, Kevin has expertise in program and project management, environmental regulations, Health and Safety, Environmental Assessment and Remediation, Project Management, Staff Management, Operations Management, Contracts Negotiation, Business Development, National Account Management, and Sales Management. Kevin has proven success with team building, customer service, and meeting both internal and external clients’ needs and demands.


Instructor for: PFAS – Remediation Alternatives Analysis, Remedy Implementation and Case Studies

Ryan is the REGENESIS Program Director of PFAS Remediation.  His background includes environmental consulting and laboratory operations, specifically in-situ treatments, site investigations, corrective action evaluations, soil and groundwater remediation projects, and business development. He has more than 23 years of experience as an environmental project manager and laboratory account executive relating to multimedia contamination sites throughout the U.S. He has presented at multiple conferences on PFAS in situ remediation, including events hosted by Battelle, AIPG, and AEHS, among other recognized environmental associations. He has a B.S. in Environmental Studies from Manchester University, North Manchester, Indiana.

Sean D. Moriarty, Archer Public Affairs

Instructor for: Impacts of PFAS Litigations

Sean Moriarty is Director of Archer Public Affairs. As the most recent past Deputy Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), Sean oversaw an organization of more than 3,000 environmental professionals, leading NJDEP’s internal legal team, guiding the department’s legislative strategy, overseeing transactions, land acquisition and administration and developing a cohesive enforcement policy. In addition to his expansive leadership responsibilities, Sean also played a critical role in providing practical and strategic guidance in the development and implementation of nearly all of NJDEP’s key policy initiatives including land use reform, clean energy policy, natural resource protection, green acres acquisition and development, funding prioritization, remediation, enforcement and program development – often acting as a thought leader and policy advocate in public settings across the county. Perhaps most notably, Sean was the primary architect of New Jersey’s first-in-the-nation Environmental Justice regulatory program.

Erin Palko, PG, LSRP, Integral Consulting

Instructor for: PFAS – Remediation Alternatives Analysis, Remedy Implementation and Case Studies

Ms. Erin Palko is a licensed geologist and site remediation professional with 22 years of consulting experience in the environmental field. Her primary focus is on soil and groundwater investigations and remediation, work at active chemical and manufacturing industrial sites, due diligence, and site investigation and remediation. She is routinely responsible for project scoping, coordination of multidisciplinary technical teams, client communication, scheduling, and work product delivery. She has experience working at sites affected by an array of chemicals, including per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at refinery complexes and industrial facilities. Ms. Palko has directed projects involving multiple subcontractors and consultants, stakeholders, and regulatory oversight personnel on a wide variety of complex and large sites. Ms. Palko has successfully closed projects, both state and federal led, in multiple states.

Jonathan "Joe" Perse, LSRP, PG, Tetra Tech

Instructor for: Microplastics as Emerging Contaminants of Concern

Mr. Jonathan Perse has 24 years of experience in the environmental consulting and engineering field with his primary work focuses on the investigation and remediation of complex environmentally impacted projects. Mr. Perse has provided environmental consulting services to clients in energy co-generation; solid waste; agriculture/fertilizer/pesticides; insurance; industrial manufacturers; legal and litigation support; petroleum distribution, refining, and retail; pharmaceuticals; property developers; and transportation/rail.


Marc D. Policastro, Esq., Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, PC

Instructor for: Running Out of Time: Remedial Timeframes and NJDEP Enforcement

Marc, Chair of the Environmental Department, is a transactional, business attorney, who focuses his practice in development, redevelopment, environmental compliance cases, corporate transactional matters, land use, zoning and business counseling. He has represented numerous national developers, manufacturers, cogeneration facilities and utilities, automobile dealerships, lenders, borrowers and municipal boards in myriad land use contexts, including commercial and residential development and due diligence matters. Marc also focuses on complex remediation cases and general environmental compliance counseling. He has significant experience in ISRA, Spill Act, LSRP, UST and related hazardous substance regulatory matters and redevelopment of contaminated sites. Marc is originally from New York City and was raised in Holmdel, NJ. He attended Christian Brothers Academy, University of Richmond and Seton Hall Law School.

Anthony (AJ) Shields, PE, Integral Consulting

Instructor for: PFAS – Remediation Alternatives Analysis, Remedy Implementation and Case Studies

Mr. Anthony Shields is a registered professional engineer with 9 years of experience in environmental engineering and consulting.  Mr. Shields specializes in remediation and design and has experience remediating emerging contaminants such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), 1,2,3-trichloropropane (1,2,3-TCP), and 1,4-dioxane.  He has additional experience in public supply drinking water treatment, remedial investigations, cost estimation, air compliance permitting, and stormwater management. He has provided engineering support for the design, construction, and operation of a wide variety of treatment systems and technologies, including thermal remediation, sorption technologies, bioremediation systems, soil vapor extraction and air sparge systems, engineered capping, in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) injections, sub-slab depressurization (SSD) systems, in situ stabilization (ISS), and excavation and disposal. He has both his master’s and bachelor’s degrees from Temple University in Environmental and Civil Engineering.


Erica M. Sterzinar, PG, LSRP, Langan

Instructor for: Technical Impracticability: Understanding Guidance and Implementation

Erica Sterzinar is a Senior Project Geologist with Langan Engineering and Environmental Services LLC. Ms. Sterzinar has a Bachelor of Science in geology from the State University of New York College at Geneseo and a Master of Science in geology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.  She is a New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) and NY Professional Geologist (PG) with over 19 years of experience in environmental contamination investigation and remediation. As an environmental consultant, Ms. Sterzinar manages environmental remediation projects for energy, developer, and research and development clients. She has extensive experience in soil and groundwater site investigation and remediation projects, including Manufactured Gas Plant sites, fractured bedrock aquifers, DNAPL and emerging contaminants.

Theodoros (Ted) Toskos, LSRP, PG, Jacobs

Instructor for: Technical Impracticability: Understanding Guidance and Implementation

Ted brings over 30 years of experience in environmental consulting. He has a thorough understanding of regulations, investigation and remediation technologies, and the proven ability to direct projects from inception to completion. He is recognized in the environmental practice field through ongoing participation in national and international associations and presents at lectures and conferences. He leverages his extensive technical expertise, and interfaces with clients, colleagues and governmental agencies within multi-disciplinary private and public sector projects to execute complex projects. Ted works interactively with both the in-house and external legal team to help align technical project activities with legal needs and strategy and provide the legal team with information and analysis necessary to develop strategy and respond to judicial requests.  

Sonya Y. Ward, LSRP, Tetra Tech, Inc.

Instructor for: Ethics for Site Remediation Professionals

Sonya Ward is the Whitehouse Station NJ Operations Manager for Tetra Tech. She is a LSRP and licensed professional geologist with over 30 years of experience as an environmental site hydrogeologist and project manager at operational and legacy sites. She also has experience in the development, planning, and coordination of regulatory and compliance activities for municipal clients, state agencies, private clients, corporate clients, and utilities. The focus of Ms. Ward’s expertise is in the area of design and implementation of remedial investigations and remedial action that allow for site reuse. Sonya earned her Bachelor of Science at the University of Louisiana, and her Master of Science at Baylor University.


Tom Wickstrom, ERM

Instructor for: Impacts of PFAS Litigations

Tom is ERM’s air quality technical community leader for North America and has extensive experience in both air quality modeling and permitting for various industrial and energy sectors, including strategic permitting of high-profile capital projects in anticipation of litigation and/or appeal. His air quality modeling experience includes near field and long range transport applications to support Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) applications in Class I and Class II areas, and regional haze analyses. Tom’s permitting experience spans both major (PSD/NSR) and minor source permitting, and includes emerging permitting requirements related to Environmental Justice.

Jennifer L. Wollenberg, Ph.D., Integral Consulting Inc.

Instructor for: The Intersection of Ecological Risk, Remediation and Sustainability in NJ

Dr. Jennifer L. Wollenberg is a multidisciplinary expert in the environmental sciences, who leverages her skills to help clients understand and manage business risks and opportunities in relation to natural resources. She holds a BA in Biology from Drew University, and a MS and PhD from Lehigh University. Dr. Wollenberg has spent more than 20 years characterizing the physical, chemical, and biological conditions at commercial and industrial sites to help clients better understand the environmental footprint of their operations, including potential impacts to natural resources. She works with corporate decision-makers to develop environmental management strategies that integrate with other aspects of their compliance programming and environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) reporting.