December 10, 2024 - Virtual Regulatory Roundtable
Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM EST
Category: Continuing Education Course
QA/QC in the Design and Implementation of Passive Vapor Mitigation Barriers: A Multiangle Approach to Successful Vapor Barrier Installations
Date: December 10, 2024
Time: 8:00am - 9:30am
Location: Online via Zoom (Link to Pre-Register in Zoom included on your confirmation screen and in a confirmation email)
Chris Medvetz, NE District MgrLand Science |
Ashley Sweeney, Sr. Eng.Roux Associates |
Alex Saltzman, LSRPFrench & ParrelloMODERATOR |
In this regulatory roundtable presentation, attendees will learn about successful approaches to quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) when designing and installing a passive, spray-applied sub-slab vapor barrier. The presenters will illustrate a successful QA/QC program and how that enables success in each stakeholder’s part of the project. Different perspectives will be shared on the importance of QA/QC, and how each contributes to the goal of mitigating vapor intrusion risk in new development projects. The course includes a review of case-studies, common questions from the field, and how environmental professionals can ensure they are confident a passive vapor barrier system is installed properly.
Continuing Education Credits:
- LSRPs – 1.0 Technical and 0.5 Regulatory CECs
- NJ Attorneys - 1.8 CLEs (PENDING)**
- NJ Professional Engineers - 1.5 CPCs
- NY Professional Engineers and Geologists - 1.5 PDHs
**This program is pending approval by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 1.8 hours of total CLE credit.
NJSRPLB Course Number: 2024-040 | 1.0 Technical and 0.5 Regulatory CECs
Registration Fees for Members and Non-Members:
- $ 55 - LSRPA Members and Associate Members (with CEC Certificate)
- $ 30 - LSRPA Members and Associate Members (without CEC Certificate*)
- $105 - Non-Members (with CEC Certificate)
- $ 80 - Non-Members (without CEC Certificate*)
**Note: If you register for this course at the “No CEC Certificate” rate, you are not eligible to receive a certificate at a later date.
Register for the December 10, 2024 - Virtual Regulatory Roundtable
Thank You to Our Sponsors for this Course